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 Update History

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Nombre de messages : 440
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Update History   Update History Icon_minitimeDim 14 Juin - 4:33

25/04/12 Release 1.08
- Added MoP support for Monk
- Added New powers ("Chi" and unknown placeholders)
- Fixed a small possible (and really rare) error
- Added some HM detections for 4.3 DS raid (mostly for 10 players raid)


06/07/11 Release 1.07
- Fix for WowcombatLog 4.2: At this time WowCardio can read hybrid logs (wow4.0 to wow4.2). However since this require extra routine that slows down the parsing, support for 4.0 format will be disabled in the future.


26/02/11 Release 1.06
- Unicode improvements.
- Added PowerGains and Interrupt/dispel stats in unitstatspanel
- Improved focus feedback in statstree.
- Absorb Module improved (again) for to handle better both Log-Defined-absorbs, and Guessed-Absorbs. Spell like savage defense, blood shield (etc.) should now be calculated in a better accurate way. Also added a fix for AntiMagicShell, which is obviously bugged in the blizzard log.
- Improved Absorb feedback in unit-stats list: Log-Defined-Absorbs are shown in blue, Guessed-absorb are shown in italic/blue;
- Fixed some spell Datas


14/02/11 Release 1.05
- WowCardio should now handle unicode languages (chinese, russian etc.)
- Added CriticalBlock Detection and stats.
- The stats-view has been improved. Unit of the same type (same mobID) are now sorted under a summary node, (descendants nodes still show all units separately).
- Raw Parsing optimization (20% faster).
- Fixed absorbs count: WCR tries to find the real cast-count for absorb.
-- Rules: count as a 'real' cast
----- aura_apply, if casted in combat
----- aura_refresh only if the new absorb pool is lower than the previous one.
----- aura_remove and aura_refresh if the related aura apply/refresh is casted out of combat
- Hpline generation improvement
- Fixed powergains type
- Fixed Translator parsing
- Added new spell/boss datas.
- few improvements/fixes


4/12/10 Release 1.04
- Improved Log Index. Boss are now shown in list, and logs can be filtered by boss. The new index system is using a cache file in the log folder for to speed up the process, however its possible to disabled this cache system in options.
- more Detailled Stats are available by hovering numbers.
- Added Instance/Raid detection (this can be set in unit-options, only for Boss)
- It's now possible to add a short comment in saved-WCR logs
- Event-Tooltips now show the local time if a period of time is selected, the "time-grid" is realigned as well on the start of a selection.
- RawParser optimization (parsing time reduced by 50-60%)
- Minor optimization in datas structures and few bugfix/improvments


14/11/10 Release 1.03
- The guessing absorb module has been revamped so it can handle the new combatlog format. Since the wowcombatlog.txt now shows raw and real absorbs for some of the main "healing" auras, wasted absorbs have been added to overheal stats. Note that only log parsed with wcr 1.03 will handle these new possibilities.
- Slight improvements in aurawatch module
- Logs can be "drag n dropped" into wowcardioraid main window, they are parsed automagically
- Added new bosses / spells datas


7/11/10 Release 1.01-1.02
- Added a Transcriptor parsing support (however, this module is in beta stage):
- Fixed a problem with melee hit (swing damage), not showing up in personnal stats
- Added some new boss/spells datas.


5/11/10 Release 1.0
- First Release
- Added a stats-widget in the graphic view
- Improved Boss detection block
- fixed few bugs
- Some UI Improvements
- Added a lot of spell datas and boss datas for cataclysm


26/05/10 b38
- Logindex now shows bossdown/hm/25players information.
- WCR format has been slightly modified to handle Bossdown/ and Hardmode feedback. Conversion from old log format is possible. New logs can't be read by older wowcardio version anyway
- Wowcardio now show RaidTargetIcon over the timeframe. Note that only logs that have been parsed by beta38+ can handle this new option, this information is save in new wcr file format as well.
- Wowcardio is now trying to find player role and draw a small icon accordingly.
- Graphics drawings have been optimized: wowcardio now tries to draw a lot less events when the zoom is out. Internal memory processing has been optimized as well.
- Fixed a nasty bug when the user tries to push an update on an empty livelog


20/05/10 b37
- Combatblocks analysis has been revamped. Boss start/end events should be found in a more accurate way.
- CombatBlocks now show wipe/down, normal/hardmode detection. Nb of players involved is also indicated.HMTag is red, NormalTag is blue. block color is orange for wipe, Green for successful down. If wowcardio doesnt detect wipe or down, block color is gray.
- spell/unit options have been updated to handled correct boss analysis. (Tutorial will be found on wow cardio website or forum)
- Stats max values have been moved on int64 to avoid overflow on very big logs (or lot of leviathan tries ;) )


15/05/10 b36
Detailled stat module:
- Added new panel for individual stats. It's also possible to set Spell filter and Aura_watch directly from this panel
- New detailled view mode: events out (rotation), events in, aura out, aura in (shortcuts are F1(list), F2, F3, F4, f5 (detailled modes))
- Activity now checks for focus and filter
- Options has been moved in a separate windows
- New option for scaling graphics
- New option for opening wowcardio directly on LogIndexPage. Default index looks for then 10 last logs.
- Melee/autoattack now separated from other 'nospell' actions
- Spells and units/boss options Updated
- Improved hp deficit line calculation.
- Modified the filterspell/event tree check cycle for to avoid confusion.
- Added Focusmode for inclusive focus style: you can set focus for event out, event in or both
- Added a button that reflects the 'a' shortcut function (hide event)
- many internals optimizations


26/01/10 b35
- Added last bosses and some new absorb spells in tracking.
- The WCR manual written by Darkbubbles (Garithos-US), has been added in the wcr home panel. (link: [manual])
- Added web check for unit. Favorite link can be set in options: for player default page is blizzard Armory (use %s for server, and %n for player name), and for NPC default page is wowhead (use %u for unitId).
- Fixed a minor bug in dynamic unit selection
- Slight UI modifications
- Moved Filters (tag/spell/events) in the main right tabcontrol for easier and direct access.
- Moved chat BlackList in the ChatLog panel
- Moved log stats and error feedback in the right tabcontrol


21/12/09 b34
- Added a link ([x]) to send a log to trashcan in the LogIndex. If successful, the index is regenerated.
- StatTooltip now shows stats with affiliation only when hovering the owner node. When hovering a descendant node, the stat is for *that* unit only.
- Stats are now calculated only when raid is Incombat (All spells casted outside combat period are not taken in account)
- Added a button to switch between Dps/Active-dps view in the stattree
- Small UI improvements and internal optimizations


16/12/09 b33
- UI improvements
- Statview has been completely redesigned. Raid and NPC now share the same view, and show cumulative stats.
- Pets are now merged with their owners in a better comprehensive way.
- Added options for quickly avoids to see heal on enemy target, or friendly fire in bothe healing done or damage done
- Toolbars has been redesigned so they all share the basis loading/filters components
- WowCardioRaid now save positions and size and few other options.
- Guessing absorbs Improvements
- Overview of dispels/interrupt/spellstolen/ccbreak redesigned (again)


11/12/09 b32
- Guessing absorbs Improvements
- overview of dispels/interrupt/spellstolen/ccbreak slightly redesigned
- Fixed a nasty bug when a log index is generated while a log is loaded


09/12/09 b31
- NPC/Player are now separated in the dispels/interrupt/spellstolen/ccbreak overview page
- Affiliated encounter (pet, totem etc.) are now added in the NPC statview, even if they never interact with raid unit.
- Fixed some color problems with some windows theme.


08/12/09 b30
- Added new conditions and spells for guessing absorbs
- Added a quick overview of dispels/interrupt/spellstolen/ccbreak


28/11/09 b29 - added a Guessed Absorb Module. Not all 'absorb-auras' are indexed yet but this should be functionnal for lvl 80 players. Anyway it's possible for anyone to add news auras datas through spells options.
- possibility to merge absorbed data with healing done
- possibility to merge mitigated damage/healing done with effective damage/healing. This can be useful for combat like Jaraxxus (absorbed heals)/Twins (absorbed damages) in ToC for example.
- the stats panels has been slightly redesigned .


25/11/09 b28
- The *.wcr format has changed a bit (but old files can still be opened. However, previous wowcardio versions will not be able to open new files)
- Added a new logindex module: You can choose a log directory, and generate the index of all logs that are stored in that directory. If the logs have the new format, additionnals informations will be shown in the index (an option for to convert all logs in the new format will be proposed if necessary)
- Added a quick "how many damage/heal received" tool (shortcut: alt-leftclick)
- The 'time mesuring' tool shortcut has been changed . Its now alt-ctrl-leftclick
- Its now possible to launch a livelog even if the wowcombatlog.txt file has not been created yet by the game. Wowcardio will remain in a 'waiting for datas' status.
- Hp line calculation rewritten and improved
- False death analyser (feign death are now not counted as real death)


28/10/09 b27
- Added School informations on Event Tooltip
- Fix for new 3.3 NPC Guid. Wcr can read both 3.2 and 3.3 logs.
- Few internal optimizations.


28/08/09 b26
- Minor version, small improvements and updated NPC list.


14/08/09 b25
- New AuraWatch tool: You can set a Spell (through graph or spelllist context menu, an only if this spell has an aura component) and then watch its different applications/removes on all units. AuraWatch tool only work when a valid timeframe selection is set.
- Fixed somes typos
- Current Filter is not lost after a liveupdate push
- Few internal optimizations.

Aurawatch example:
Aura has been set for the Storm Power buff on Hodir, Lines are showing the dps for units:

Update History Wcr_aurawatch


10/08/09 b24
- Few internal and UI Improvements
- Some bosses are know recognized through their generic name (for example: 'Iron council' instead of 'Stealbreaker')
- Added access to the registered Unit List, with ability to manually add new npc/boss, use this very carefully or this will break combat block detection (access to this list is gain through the unittree context menu, *before* loading any log)


05/08/09 b23
- Fixed a bug in the save module of the compare tool
- Added an access to the 'compare line' properties (comments and color).
- Fix a possible out-of-range error with the stattree column check
- Added a graphical aura emphasis when a buff or debuff is selected in detailled view.
- When the live combatlog is renamed by the program, the autoupdate-events are also disabled.


29/07/09 b22
- Slight improvement in realtime parsing
- Small UI improvements
- WCR now remember the last log folder
- Fixed the wow 3.2 log changes (need testing anyway for UNIT_DISSIPATES events)
- It's now possible to specify your favorite web site for checking spell info. (default is Wowhead). Juste use %s for the spellId string in the link
- Its now possible to specify the default live log in options, and to access it directly through the load button or menu.
- Added somes save options when necessary. Also added a way to rename the live wowcombatlog.txt through the save process (wow.exe must be closed for this functionnality)
- Small Fix with Utf8: some logs were not parsed correctly when splitted with externals tools
- While parsing, the estimated time left is shown in the statusbar. Also corrected a small visual issue with the progressbar
- Since some SPELL_AURA events have been fixed in wow3.1, the aura visualization have been revamped. Aura of the same type are now separated between their casters. Anyway it's possible to specify in spell Options to use a single aura line only when necessary. Please note that REFRESH_AURA events are credited only for the original Aura caster. It's probably a Blizzard bug.
- Stack number for relevants Aura are now indicated on the aura-lines directly (with a proper zoom level only to keep viewing clear).
- Added a button to switch from buff gained and buff casted in detailled view.
- Added the name of the caster and the aura Uptime in front of aura lines in detailled view
- the left column (with unit name or aura name) is now resizable.
- Added a new compare system (alpha). It's possible to save a specific raid Dps/hps line, (filtered or not), and to load it over the current combatgraph, and to compare performance. This comparison tool works through different logs.

Update History Wcr_main_tnUpdate History Wcr_aura_tnUpdate History Wcr_filter_tn


14/06/09 b21
- WowCardioraid can now open, read and parse the wowcombatlog.txt file even if the game is not closed.
- Experimental support for RealTime Update (event only, no support for realtime chatlog atm). Events are parsed automatically when the wowcombatlog.txt is updated by the game. Update frequencie can be adjusted in the options (from 30s to 30 mn). A manual update is also available.
- Due to background update possibilities, parsing error feedback has been changed. Errors are now logged in the options panel. A single '!!!' mark is added in the viewport (top-left) when error(s) have been recorded.
- Added Inclusive/Exclusive modes for focused Unit: Inclusive mode means that events must match sourceUnit *or* destUnit, while exclusive mode means that events must match sourceUnit *and* destUnit to be filtered. Unit focused are highlighted in Orange in inclusive mode, and Blue in ExclusiveMode.
- Few optimizations in parsing functions.


04/06/09 b20
- Beta support for chat log: Load a regular event log, then load the chatlog for the same session. You can now check boss'emotes or other raid warning. Additionally, if chat-events have been loaded, they can be saved in wcr file directly. You can also set a blacklist to keep the chatlog more reliable.
- Viewport context menu: Added an fonction to set focus for all units of the same type in the current combat frame. Additionnaly, focused unit are now highlighted in the unit tree too.
- Scroll bars have been added to the viewport.
- Raid header size is now correctly saved.
- Fix for some combatblock problems.
- Few small fixes and optimizations.

17/05/09 b19
- Dps/hps lines calculation has been switched to linear mode by default, since it's the most accurate mode. Smooth (and slower) calculation is available through options (if you want to compare dps performance between different raid session, be sure to use the same mode)
- Added raid overview dps/hps lines. The raid output header can be resized by moving its bottom line in the gfx view.
- Added support for focus/filter in dps/hps lines (raid or players), and proper functions like auto/manual update
- Added option to exclude self damages for damage done output (lines and stats)
- Added option to cap Overkill damage, to prevent huge spike in dps lines (Mimiron can blast for 5millions ;))
- All filtered events now appear in gfx view regardless their importance in zoom level.
- Proper handle of SPELL_CAST_START and SPELL_CAST_FAILED events, also added an option to disabled SPELL_CAST_FAILED events completely.
- SPELL_CAST_START and SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS are now only drawn in detailed view except if the caster is a raid opponent.
- Fixed few smalls bugs
- small changes in the wcr format. Older version of wowcardioraid will not be able to open the new format (but older wcr files can still be opened).


15/04/09 b18
- Quick fix for wow 3.1

07/03/09 b17
- Add a combat-Block headers. Use Space/backspace keys to cycle through recognized combat-blocks
- Added multiple and saved filters. The default filter is the current dynamic filter, it can be saved in fixed filter. Multiple filters logical is 'OR'. You can activate/desactivate filters with their check box. For structural reason, enchants and environnements spells can't be saved anyway.
- Preferences and options are now saved through sessions.
- The activity calculation has been adjusted. Activity column has also been added in the stat view.
- Added a mitigation column in the statview. This can be use to evaluate the amount of resist/absorb/block.
- All npc of the same type can now be temporary added directly in the 'boss combatlist'
- Added an log anonymiser. Press Ctrl-Alt-A to change all players/pets names.

06/02/09 b16
- It's now possible to save the log in a proprietary packed format (*.wcr) for faster futures usages or web upload if needed. If a time-period is selected, only the period is saved, otherwise it's the whole log.
- Wcr now support the 'open with' (or command line) windows system possibility. You just need set *.wcr file to wowcardio in windows 'open with' menu.
- It's now possible to scroll down NPC list in main view, and Aura list in detailled view with pgup-pgDown key and/or mouse wheel (the cursor must be over the name column in this case)
- Added a time-Mesuring tool (alt - Left Click)
- Added a DamageOverkill filter, to quickly see killing blows
- 'Enchant' and 'Environmental effects' are now shown in the spell-list
- Added a (very) rudimentary stat-export in the stats view.
- Hpline calculation for NPC has been improved. It's also possible to say to WowCardio to save the estimated Hp pool for a specific mob in NPC unit options (boss are saved by default)
- Dps/hps lines now have relative ratio for same type of NPC.
- Pressing Esc while parsing stop the parsing.
- few Memory optimization and internals improvements.

Dernière édition par Tixu le Mer 25 Avr - 21:18, édité 12 fois
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Nombre de messages : 440
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Update History   Update History Icon_minitimeVen 5 Nov - 20:49

Mise a jour vers WowCardio release 1.0
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Nombre de messages : 440
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Update History   Update History Icon_minitimeSam 4 Déc - 4:34

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